Here, faith is very much alive, yet may feel dead, and Christian sages have called this dark Faith, for this faith has been freed of the light of mentality and affect. The light of faith arises in the absence of the light of reason. The Absolute, then, being known as unknown, is known in a nonconceptual, nonobjectified intimacy, a withinness, faith now truly being faith in God. The natural fruition of faith about God is the absence of that faith, and this is the way to pure Faith, known only in and through the Heart. God is known by not-knowing God, God is known by and in God, and thoughts of God do not exists in this intimacy by which to know God, for God is absolute Self-Knowing, not being an object to Itself, rather knowing Itself in, within.
So, sincere doubt can be welcomed as the opening to intimacy with the Beloved. Faith is alive in doubt, when the knowing of God implodes, for the mind can no longer contain the experience of God as God, God no longer being sustained as a something or someone, an object of faith. Here, faith and love become one, a loving unknowing. In this loving unknowing, one is inspired to worship in pure subjectivity the pure Subjectivity of Grace.
This intimacy, for some, will show itself a foreground of intimacy from which devotion will spring forward in spontaneous expressions of worship of God. Then, this objectification of God will dissolve back into the background, and this back and forth of the objectification of God is seen to be the playfulness of God being God.
How marvelous! to be so intimate with this loving-knowing God, one cannot know God, intimacy so intimate there remains no room for God or self, or God and self. And, yet, here God appears.
*Copyright 2018, Brian Kenneth Wilcox